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The latter ensures that he is entrusted with the animation of various radio chronicles and especially that of a new monthly television program in prime time: "Amphi 2000". Debates between students and personalities around a common theme, a program shot in the conditions of the live from the large amphitheater of the University of French Polynesia.


His style (a bit spicy, a lot of humor ... but a lot of rigor) and positive feedback from the public, lead RFO to give him stripe. At the start of the October 98 school year, at just 20 years old, he took charge of the program "STUDIO 5", a daily "touch everything" magazine in prime time and live access! A success.


September 1999, he did not resist the proposal of NRJ Tahiti (franchised station operated by the Hersant group) who wanted his full-time return to the FM band as a journalist, Head of Promotion Information and Multimedia, to manage the editorial office, manage a team of 4 journalists and present news flashes and magazines in particular.

In 2001, he produced the first election for "Mister Tahiti", which was popular with the media. A good idea since the President of the Mister France Committee offers her to become her consultant responsible for the development and communication of her structure. This function will occupy him between Paris and Papeete until December 2004. He thus worked for the establishment of production agreements with GLEM for the broadcasting of the national final of "Mister France" on TF1 broadcast in June 2003, presented by Laurence BOCCOLINI (host of “Money Drop” on TF1 in 2012).

In 2005, when he just validated by the acquired knowledge of his professional experience an MBA specialized in Media Studies, RFO Télé Polynesia made him a new proposal: take up the challenge at the next school year to dust off a time slot in full decline, that of the daily midday. Mission accomplished with "Api Midi" which brings together 9 out of 10 viewers thanks to the new concept proposed, animated and produced by Alexandre via his personal company Megasmedia.

In January 2006 and 2007, the organizers of the International Oceanian Documentary Film Festival, FIFO, chose him to present in French and English, the final gala ceremony in the "stand up" style. Hervé BOURGES, President of the FIFO jury, to everyone's astonishment, will take the microphone just before the end of the 2006 ceremony to publicly congratulate Alexandre on his skills as a presenter and communicator who, according to this great professional, deserve to be widely illustrated beyond Polynesian borders. Pride and total jubilation of the "locals" present in the room ...

First semester 2007, he is the host of a new program which made a lot of talk in this Territory as its form was innovative on Polynesian television: "The Tahiti Show", an adaptation to the local flavors of the famous talk shows end of evenings in the USA. Three weekly meetings, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, at 5 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

At the end of 2007, he sold his first entertainment to "Paris Première" and managed from March 2008 to March 2010 the concession of the brand "Mister France" which he relaunched by animating and producing a format which resulted from it on the national DTT channel NRJ12 in January 2010.

In September 2011 Alexandre returned to Polynesia 1st with "Qui est le Génie?", A daily game show broadcast Monday to Friday in prime time access at 6 p.m. A new concept which skillfully mixes general culture and entertainment. At the same time, he is the executive co-producer of a new reality show for the NRJ12 television channel "L'île des Vérités", which was filmed between September and October 2011 in French Polynesia.


In September 2011, Alexandre Taliercio is historically the first French ultra-marine producer to sign an international distribution agreement for its formats (original concepts of television programs). Thus, Absolutely Independant will present in particular at MIPCOM or MIPTV the formats of MEGASMEDIA.


Season 2 of " The Island of Truths ", filmed in September 2012 in French Polynesia, broadcast from Monday, November 5, 2012 on the national TNT channel NRJ12 has a surprise: in addition to its role as executive co-producer, Alexandre Taliercio plays there one of the main characters, the "guide" of the 10 candidates over 40 episodes of 28 minutes each 18 , 19 . Alexandre resumes service from Monday, August 26, 2013 on NRJ12 for season 3 of this program, this time for 60 episodes of 28 minutes each in view of the success previously won 20 .


Since Monday, April 15, 2013, he is producer and host of a new daily game show broadcast at 7:30 pm on Tahiti Nui Television: "Super Tavirira'a". A concept where two candidates compete by having to correctly answer questions of general knowledge whose difficulty and gains in play are defined by a double wheel which they must activate. This reserve many surprises: bonuses or penalties depending on the segments on which the players fall.


On Monday September 9, Alexandre Taliercio announced at the Gulli back-to-school press conference (national DTT channel for children and families) that he would be the co-producer of a program for which he basic concept with his partner Olivier Landy-Meersseman: " Tahiti Quest ". An adventure game where 5 families made up of two parents and two children compete around tests based on Polynesian legends. This "format" has been reworked and re-developed with the AH! Production directed by Antoine Henriquet. Ah! Production and Megasmedia (Alexandre Taliercio's company) will therefore co-produce this program. The animation will be entrusted to Benjamin Castaldi, for a shooting scheduled in October 2013 and a broadcast from January 2014. The show is in its third season, and Benjamin Castaldi left to animate a new game on NRJ12 is replaced by the animation by Olivier Minne.


Note that in May 2012, Alexandre Taliercio received the honors from Paul Gilbert, Senior Vice President Formats of CBS International Studio who publicly recommended him with these words: "I recommend Alexandre Taliercio and his company Megasmedia because he showed class, professionalism and creativity. Alexandre, with his company and his team, has great potential to become in the next few years a major player in the world television industry as creator of original program concepts, producer Who would have thought it was possible to find this kind of talent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? "


Between January 2015 and June 2019 Alexandre Taliercio presents from Monday to Friday from 8h to 11h on Radio 1 in Tahiti, Europe 1 affiliate, the "Radio Show" l, and in addition, from September 2015 to June 2019 from 11h to noon, daily also, "A vous la Parole", an interactive news program where he interviews local, national and foreign personalities. Every morning and since 2015 on the same radio he signs an editorial / humor post without tongue in cheek which has become the most followed appointment of the Polynesian FM band at 6:50 am when it is broadcast (source Médiamétrie wave April 2016).


From March to December 2016, in addition to his radio activities, he produced and hosted a new daily prime time television talk show on Polynesia 1st, "Fenua Tonight" broadcast Monday to Friday from 5:55 pm. He has regularly appeared on the small Polynesian screen during the presentation of prime-time events.


Since the start of the programs in September 2018, he has produced the program "Fenua Access" on TNTV (Tahiti Nui Television) broadcast on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in local prime time access at 5.30 p.m.


With his team at Megasmedia he is currently developing new program formats for worldwide distribution.

Born February 28, 1978 in Bordeaux, Alexandre Taliercio grew up in French Polynesia where his family came to settle with him in 1985. Self made man accomplished in the media world, from the age of 15 he hosted various shows on the local FM band before being noticed in 1997 by Jean ‐ Marie CAVADA (CEO of RFO) during his visit to Polynesia.

Alexandre realizes that the boiling of two brains operating on the same wavelength is much more productive especially when it is done in a good mood.

In the past Olivier has notably distinguished himself by collaborating on TORRENTE Haute Couture, Francesco SMALTO, SWAROVSKI Components, Paco RABANNE fashion shows, as part of an international festival. He was also coordinator of model cabins.

He is an unmatched troop leader ... It would never occur to any candidate for Mister selections to contradict the one who often only has a few hours to prepare them to go on stage. His authority is respected, as his innate capacities compel admiration. What he transmits to them is an illustration of a job, not a hobby, as he sometimes says. But we know deep down that his job is a reflection of his passion.


Olivier is a source of “bankable” ideas. He transpires creativity and is a complete autodidact, precisely the kind of argument that prompted Alexandre Taliercio to entrust him with the Art Direction of Megasmedia and all formats entering production, including Mister France.

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Olivier Landy-Meersseman , born June 2, 1978 in Dunkirk, began his career at 21 years old as a choreographer and director of regional shows on the "Mister France" tour.

It was in Tahiti in 2001 that he met Alexandre Taliercio who then produced the election of the local Mister there. A sincere friendly bond quickly settles between these two young people passionate about television.

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